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VPN Client can't access remote computer sharing


Case 1: Windows firewall blocks the file sharing. These links may help:

can't access shared folder on 2003 sp1 and

Can ping VPN server but receive System error 53 using net use


Case 2: The VPN client can't access the remote server because of the routing: Windows 2003 VPN can't browse because routing and Can't ping one of VPN clients


Case 3: Some home computers can access remote sharing but others. It is because the both sits using the same IP range. These links may help: Can't access the remote network at home only,

Cannot access resources after establishing the VPN because of the same IP

Case 4: it could be the permission issue. check these links: Can't map network drives over VPN,

Can’t access the shared folder of the VPN client

Case 5: It could be name resolution issue. Can't browse over VPN,

Can't see any Network Drives.......

Case 6: Third part security software blocks file sharing ports. Please refer to this post: Ports for windows file sharing, Can't access sharing because of Norton

Case 7: Even if you have Allow Local LAN Access checked in your Cisco VPN, your administrator can override the value and disable it on you.


Assuming your local lan is (has IP addresses between and, and you have admin rights on your machine, you can modify the routing table!

You need to do this EVERY TIME YOU CONNECT, as the Cisco client will inject the routes upon each connection.

This simply deletes the "override" by removing the route map between your local LAN range and the VPN Interface.

1. Connect to your Cisco VPN server
2. Go to Status > Statistics > Tunnel Details and Verify that Local LAN Access is "Disabled" under the Transport heading. If it shows Enabled, then you have another issue preventing your access which can't be solved here)

3. OPEN A COMMAND PROMPT AND TYPE "route delete" (without quotes, where is your local LAN)

4. Try to ping or connect to a local machine to verify success.



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