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Virtual Server, PC and Hyper-V

Setup cannot connect to the specified SQL server instance
Host Key in Virtual Server/PC
Hyper-V manager can't connect to Hyper-V server from Vista
LsaRegisterLogonProcess()failed! Access is denied
The configuration file referenced by the configuration "chicagotech" could not be found
Unable to create highly available VM on Hyper-V cluster
Using the mouse in Virtual Server/PC
Virtual Server default configuration
VS experienced a fatal processor error and has been reset
Virtual Server can't access the LAN and Internet
Virtual server shutdown with Event ID 1066 1026 1033
Virtual Server web administration failed to open on host
What's the Virtual Server

Windows 2008 backup error: Enumeration of the files failed

Host Key in Virtual Server/PC

Some keyboard shortcuts such as CTRL+ALT+DELETE do not work within a virtual machine because of the interaction between the host operating system and the guest operating system. You can use Send CTRL+ALT+DEL from the Remote Control menu to use the functionality of the CTRL+ALT+DELETE keyboard shortcut. Or you can also use HOST KEY+DELETE.

Using the mouse in Virtual Server/PC

 If Virtual Machine Additions is installed on the virtual machine, you can move the pointer freely between the virtual machine window and the host OS.  If Virtual Machine Additions is not installed on the virtual machine, the virtual machine must capture the pointer before the mouse can be used within the virtual machine window. The virtual machine captures the pointer when you click the pointer inside the virtual machine window. If a pointer is captured by a virtual machine on which Virtual Machine Additions is not installed, the virtual machine must release it before you can use the mouse on the host operating system or in another virtual machine window. You can use the Host key to return the use of the mouse to the host operating system.

Virtual Server default configuration

1. The Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC) server is disabled.
2. The VMRC server uses port 5900.
3. Virtual Server uses Integrated Windows authentication.
4. Local administrators is the only account who can access the Administration Website, configure Virtual Server, and create and configure virtual machines and virtual networks.
  Firewall and antivirus software running on the host operating system will not protect guest operating systems.
6. The port for
the Administration Website is 1024.

What's the Virtual Server

Virtual Server is a server application allows enterprises to run multiple  operating systems such as Windows NT 4, 2000 and 2003 simultaneously on a single physical server. The Virtual Server cab be installed on any Windows 2003 server, and Windows XP Pro for non-production use only.


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